Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's Thursday- Let's make Owl Cupcakes!

Owl Cupcakes

Dairy Free Fun Owl Cupcakes

I've been day dreaming about cupcakes for 2 days. So when I saw these little guys I thought it would make the perfect activity for a Thursday night with my husband.
I made Wacky Chocolate Cake cupcakes. This is an old family recipe that I was thrilled to find doesn't have any dairy products in it, as sadly my body does not like anything remotely dairy.
If you haven't tried this recipe before it will become your biggest life savor. If you forgot the eggs and ran out of milk. You can still make the cupcakes for Johnny's preschool class without leaving the house.
The twins
Then you will need Oreos which are also DAIRY FREE! We used Double Stuff.

Don't jump guys!
Then you can really use anything for the nose and eyes. We used Skittles and stuck them on with extra frosting.

Who! Who!
If you do have dairy allergies in the family Pillsbury frosting will become your new best friend. That's right. No dairy products in their chocolate frosting. mmm..
The eye brows are frosted pieces of the oreo cookie tops.

The sleepless night owls
Bill made some Sleepless Night Owls.
We couldn't bare to eat any of them. So I think we'll both take some to work tomorrow.

Owl family


  1. These are so cute I love them. Too bad I have no chocolate the kids would go nuts, they spend the whole day watching howdini on you tube for making cakes!

  2. Thanks! My husband and I had a blast making them. We finally did eat them too.

  3. such a great idea! my daughter love owls, so this friday I'll make a bunch.
    Btw, congrats for your baby, any moment now, hu?


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